Thursday, September 27, 2007

Who Do I Look Like?

Never take anything for granted! For instance, you pick up a pen or a pencil and you begin to "doodle", you know just a wiggle, a squiggle here and there, disconnected lines that suddenly take shapes and forms. Not a formal picture, nothing identifiable as yet, but something is taking shape. I have always been a "doodler" and a scribbler. I can be sitting around talking with others or taking notes in a lecture or a Wednesday evening Bible study and suddenly the pen or pencil in my hand begins to move around on the paper in those lines and squiggles. I am still listening but often those squiggles become 'flowers' or a butterfly and sometimes they become scribbles - words take shape in the form of poems, lyrics or a record of thoughts inspired by what I am hearing. Sometimes those scribbles begin and then just end becoming fuzzy and losing shape.

If you think about it, you might discover that our lives are much like those 'doodles' and scribbles. We begin life sort of like an empty sheet of paper and as we grow something begins to take shape on our sheet of paper. Perhaps at first the pen or pencil is in the hands of our parents and other family members, but we soon take the pen and begin to express ourselves. That 'empy sheet of paper' is becoming who we are - the shape of us. Our lives are beginning to be defined, to have purpose, to impact those around us. We are writing our lives daily - growing and becoming. We reach a point in our writing when we don't really know what comes next and the pen begins falter and our 'writing becomes fuzzy and without purpose.

Have you ever been in this spot, feeling fuzzy and without purpose? The book of Genesis (Gen. 1:26-27 and Gen. 5:3) tells us that God created man in His own image. Why? Adam and Eve were never 'empty sheets of paper' to be written upon by parents, family, or friends and certainly they were never intended to shape themselves. They were created - made by the Hand of God - in the image of their Creator. Life for them was perfectly ordered and in perfect harmony with each other, with their environment, and with their Creator until the day they picked up the pen and began to write their own story. We all know what happened then! Life took on fuzzy, jagged edges and they were no longer reflections of their Creator.

I have decided that for me the best place for my sheet of paper and my pen is in the Hand of my Creator. When I allow Him to write my story everything comes into focus, all the jagged edges are smoothed and all the disconnect lines and scribbles take on a shape, the Image of the Creator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, J.

I want to thank you for visiting my site, and to say I hope it is a blessing to you.

I also want to encourage you to keep writing, keep trusting God, keep letting Him guide you as you write of His glory and splendor.

Let's stay in touch. I have prayed for you today with tears in my eyes. I hope all is well.