Thursday, September 27, 2007

One morning last year while having my morning devotional time I felt like maybe what God was leading me to do was write a book of morning devotions. I began by writing what God gave me each morning, but writing a book is timely and costly I found and I abandoned that idea for the time being. I kept writing and one day I may write that book and maybe it will be published. The folks who visit Scribbles though will have already read most of it by that time since I have decided to share those writings on my blog.

The first few devotions I wrote all centered around the theme of 'Fire'. I guess God was trying to make me understand personally how important it was for me to spend time with Him - letting His fire consume my sacrifices. So I, like Abraham and Moses of old, began to build up an altar and offering my sacrifices. I found that most of what I had to offer up was my time and He was thrilled that I gave Him my time. Soon I began giving Him those things I held dear in my life, like the hurts and the anger over offenses that I was hanging onto as memorials. Yes, we humans hold onto the oddest things - we drag our little memorials out and almost gloat over them as we remember why we don't talk to this one or we talk about that one. We remind ourselves continually how this one hurt my feelings or got recognition instead of me.

If you find yourself hanging onto these memorials, let me share this with you. Those little memorials will one day take on a life of their own and destroy your confidence and thereby destroy your future. The Word of God tells us to forgive (not just once but we are to forgive 70 times 70) and forget. You may say I can forgive but I can't forget. Yes, you can forget and the process is simple. Build your altar and sacrifice those 'memorials' to Him. His fire will turn them to nothing more than ashes and God does great things with those ashes.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Mom, I am really enjoying reading your blog. I sent an e-mail to my friends telling them to check it out and be blessed. God has given you such wisdom and it has been a constant blessing in my life. I know that everyone who visits your blog will be blessed and encouraged by what they read. Keep it never know who might be reading and how their lives could be forever changed by a few minutes spent reading the little bits of love and wisdom you put here. love ya-jenn