Monday, September 21, 2009


He who builds a wall of protection about himself often creates a prison cell occupied by those things he has held onto from the past. A sanctuary created not by walls of mortar and stone, nor walls created by bars of steel, yet walls none the less cemented into place by scars and memories. Once enclosed in this 'sanctuary' the builder may find himself tormented by those things from which he sought to protect himself.
We humans have been conditioned over the ages to defend ourselves from those things which cause pain. We want to live safely, peacefully, painlessly. In a perfect world this would be possible; however, we no longer live in a perfect world. The perfect world existed 'in the beginning' and then was lost through disobedience. Our only hope for a perfect world lies in a journey to the cross.
Our journey to the cross begins when we leave the safety of our walls, walls which can only be erased by the blood of the Lamb. At the cross we find His Sanctuary, His Joy, His Peace and there we begin our journey to His Perfect World.