Sunday, September 23, 2007

Everything or Nothing

Mom always told me to give my best-nothing less, to recognize my strengths and my weaknesses. I know that she was referring to my education, my job, or whatever I set out to accomplish in life. Those are wise parental words - I gave the same instruction to all of my children and will no doubt share that same 'wisdom' with my grandchildren at some point. Give life your best and nothing less! Through the years I have found that those instructions are even more important when it comes to living for God.
He is my Everything, how can I give Him less than my all. You say my all isn't much! You're correct! He knows my beginning and my ending; my faults and my failures; the best of me and the worst of me and He wants all of it. In His hands my faults and my failures can become my greatest victories! In His Hands my broken, scarred soul is molded into a new vessel. What shall I do with this new vessel? You see I gave Him everything! He gave it all back to me and asked me to allow Him to fill my vessel and use it to reach a world that needs Him. The decision was mine. I chose to give my all or give Him nothing, now He is my Everything. What will you do with your everything?

1 comment:

Jana McVay said...

Where are the words to your song My Everything??? I was hoping to find those as I read this post!

God IS everything!!! Without Him, we are nothing! So with Him, WE become everything this world needs to see, needs to hear, needs to feel!!!