Friday, October 5, 2007

Just A Poem? or A Prayer of Praise?

You Are My Father

Lord God, you are the Mighty One
Great in wisdom…full of knowledge.
You are Right and our only righteousness,
There is none like you.

You know our thoughts and see our deeds
You know all our needs before we are aware of them.
You in your wisdom and knowledge
Know the desires of our heart,
Even as those desires are born in us.

You, who are wise in all things,
Know how to give us good things.
You are the provider of every need
The one from whom all blessings come.

You, in all your wisdom,
Know when to allow us the desire of our heart,
Though it may grieve yours.

You are mighty in power,
Awesome in Glory.
There is truly none like you.

When I consider the heights and depths
Of your love,
I am overwhelmed, to think that you
Would give that love to me.
I have nothing worthy of this gift.

Why would you shower me with your love?
Why would you pour out these gifts on me?
All these questions and more rise up within me,
And yet the only answer I can find….
You are my Father…
I am your child.


Jana McVay said...

Wow! Thank is a Powerful prayer of praise!!! It is poetic, yes, but it definitely speaks to me like a prayer that I want to pray!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog. Came over from Jana's...your sweet daughter.

Bless you.

Shirley Buxton