Friday, October 12, 2012

Planning for the Future or Emergency Planning

Thinking about the future…something best done when young

After you reach my age, thinking about the future should be referred to as emergency planning.  To be honest, when I was in my  20’s I was busy trying to make ends meet while rearing 3 children and going to university.  Finances were tight and there was always more month than money.  So thinking about the future was done with our heads buried in the sand (or the bills).  When we reached our 30’s we had teens, 3 of them, in the house and finances were still iffy.  We also tried to make up to our kids for the lack of money in their early years.  Both of us had grown up in low-to-middle income families with very frugal parents.  We had never travelled or took real vacations and wanted something different for our kids, so we spent rather than saved.  To be honest, I wasn’t too concerned about the future because I quite honestly did not expect to be here that long.  Both of my parents had passed away at age 60 from health related issues, and I figured I would probably be gone before retirement age arrived.  And beyond that reasoning, I fully expected the Lord to return long before I passed away.  Well, hello retirement…I have arrived at medicare age and the future looms before me.  Now it’s all about emergency plans because social security won’t be sufficient.  So, what to do? 

We are facilitating a small group study about breaking free from debt and when Pastor asked us to do the class I had to laugh.  Of all people to handle a class about finances…I would have never chosen us.  We are debt free at this point, but we have very little net worth.  We own no home and our investment income is minimal.  We will be dependent on God,  Social Security, and Medicare for our future.  The only sure thing about our future is God, the other two are seriously in doubt.

If you are reading this and you have not planned for the future begin now!  Find a way to put money into a retirement investment (preferably tax sheltered).  Set aside some part of your income each month in savings for emergencies along the way.  So, words of wisdom learned from a life lived on a shoe string and learning the hard way:   Invest in your future, teach your children to save and invest, and invest in the Kingdom of God.  Don’t think you have to keep up financial appearances in public; as much as possible live debt free.   Take time to plan for the future so that when you reach retirement age you don’t have to do emergency planning. 

God has been good to us and kept us through the years and I have no doubt that He will continue but looking into the future right now is not pleasant.  I cannot see what God has ahead for our provision and I wish that we had found a way to hang onto more of the money when we had it.  Reaching age (?) without a plan can contribute to worried dreams that keep you awake at night.

Ps 37:25   I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. KJV

Matt 6:20  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:  KJV


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