Friday, November 1, 2013

I WANT TO LIVE WITH ABANDON (from the Lyrics – Live With Abandon by the Newsboys)

The word abandon has been in my thoughts since early yesterday, in particular the word as it appears in two different phrases.  ‘Abandon hope all who enter here,’ from Dante’s Inferno and the phrase ‘live with abandon’.  The Inferno is a literary classic by Dante Alighieri and is referred to as the words written above the gates of hell.  Depressing phrase, right!  In contrast is the phrase ‘live with abandon’ or without concern.  Live large and carefree, right?   I recently heard this phrase in the lyrics, also the title, of a song by the Newsboys and was struck by its meaning and how it applies to living in Christ.
The word abandon means ‘to give up or to surrender – to let go of’.  We humans tend to grab hold and not let go of things.   When we come to Christ we bring all of the stuff we have grabbed as we go through life and we lay it at His feet…our stuff becomes our sacrificial offering and we think that is enough.  We proceed with our living and ‘grabbing hold of’ as we give God our ‘best’ on Sundays and a few minutes scraped together other days of the week and God is always there for us when we need Him.  This is not living with abandon!  This is simply fooling ourselves and marking time.
This living with abandon has been brought home to me recently, though I only recognized it last night as I spoke with my daughter concerning a mutual friend.   I am therefore dedicating these thoughts Kelly, a young woman who has shown me throughout her illness what truly living with abandon is about.
Live with Abandon

To live with abandon,
To lay it all down,
To offer up all
To reach for the crown.
To realize life isn’t all about me,
To know that I’m here for a divine purpose
Though that purpose I may not see.
To live with abandon
To reach for the prize
To realize that it all comes with a price.
To live with abandon
And never count the cost
To live with abandon
A light for the lost.
To live with abandon
In the face of despair
To live with the knowledge
That in losing I win
To live with abandon
To Glorify Him.
Let me live this life He’s given
Whether sunshine or rain
Let me live with abandon
Let me Glorify Him.
Let me live with abandon
And so living, win.

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