Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reminder from a teapot-

I have a friend who collects teapots of all sizes and kinds. Miniature tea sets and life sized usable teapots. I had her as a secret sister and wanted to give her a 'pot' for her collection. So one Saturday while wandering around in a thrift shop I found a small teapot and cup, one of those stacking sets. It was used but in good condition and both feminine and usable. So, I bought the teapot for a couple of bucks and took it home. I cleaned it up and wrapped it nicely intending to leave it for my secret sister the next morning at church. Then I remembered I hadn't bought a card for the gift. So, I sat about writing a short note to attach to the gift. This is the result:

Reminder from a teapot!

I'm just a little teapot,
Not very much to see.
Short and round
A handle, a spout
And a lid to steep the tea.

Like you I serve a purpose.
Like you a job to do!

So, add me to your collection
and as you make your tea,
Remember the reason that
You and I were made.

Since that time, I have often thought about the job of that little teapot - just steeping the tea, and yet it brings such enjoyment and comfort. Our own jobs are just as simple - just doing His will, and yet we often set aside His purpose in order to pursue our own will. How often have you seen a teapot refusing to be a teapot and do it's job? Silly question, you may say since that little teapot has no will of it's own, no choice in the matter. But we as Christians need to learn from that little teapot the lesson of 'being what we were made to be'.
We were made to be like Him a reflection of Him. We were created to be His own.

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

1 comment:

Jana McVay said...

Thank you for the 'reminder'! I want to be used for whatever purpose God intended. I am wondering if you would mind if I used this in our upcoming July issue of the ILCMD newsletter, Noteworthy?

Love you lots and MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!!