Friday, August 8, 2008

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child..."

Where do you think this little guy has spent most of his time? He's about 18 months old and he's been listening and paying attention. Children are such a precious commodity! Talk about the 'futures market', these small impressionable packages are the future of our world and our way of life.

What are we teaching them? What will they bring to our future? What will they bring to the Kingdom of God?

1 comment:

Jana McVay said...

How adorable!!! And yes, it appears that he has spent most of his life in church, LISTENING, PAYING ATTENTION TO, the preaching of the Word! He has the preaching down to a fine science...LOL I heard "one God" and "Acts 2:38" quite clearly at one point. Our future church/world would be secure if all our children were learning like this one!