Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Can See Clearly Now...

"Without a vision the people perish"

Vision, where would we be without it?  I wear glasses to correct my eyesight, it makes life easier all around.  Everyone should be glad I wear glasses because I drive a car and without them I don't see clearly,  it could be dangerous to all involved. Glasses are great things and I am glad someone came up with the science needed to correct vision.   I want to make sure that I don't forget to wear my glasses.

Likewise, life in general and living for God in particular requires 'vision'.  The ability to look beyond the natural and see through eyes of faith and find the will of God.  When we become or seek to become builders in the Kingdom of God we need 'vision', clear vision, to see where God would have us go, what God would have us do.  In our natural life we might call this 'vision' goal setting - mapping out a plan for our life.  We've all heard of the 5-year plan, right?  Well, God has an eternal plan.  He has designed us with intent, we are not simply here to hang out until it is time to leave.  We are not perfect; we are flawed individuals whose very weaknesses become the building blocks in His master plan, flawed and imperfect people whose soul-vision is perfected in Him.  Lord, keep my soul-vision, my faith-vision clear and perfected so that I move ever higher, ever closer to You.  I want to see 'clearly' the plan you have for me, my place and my work for Your Kingdom.  Perfect my soul vision so that I may be perfected for Your Kingdom.

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