Thursday, November 11, 2010

Passing by....

Just passing through - all of us are just passing through. I seem to be harking back to the same thoughts lately. Time and where it goes when we aren't paying attention. Friends who just keep silently passing by and then...

Another one just left for a better place last evening. Isaac Velasquez was a warrior of the faith. He was steadfast in his beliefs and trust in God, though life had taken a toll on his body. His body had grown weak, and shaky but his commitment to living a life pleasing to God was strong until the end. We should rejoice at his going for his battles are over and he is the victor.

The Apostle Paul wrote that "...for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Bro. Velasquez has gained a rest from the struggle and a promise of the Resurrection.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have a friend, more than one really, but Carolyn was someone special. Once upon a time we lived close enough to spend a lot of really good times together, but time and circumstance placed us many miles apart. We only got to visit together occasionally and chat on the phone. We lost touch but those good times were never far from our thoughts.
Today I was thinking about my friend Carolyn and remembered one of Carolyn's unique characteristics. Carolyn kept time by her own 'clock' which ran slightly behind our schedules, but she was always there eventually.
Today Carolyn's special time-piece, usually a bit behind our own clocks, suddenly decided to catch up and skip ahead of us. You see, we won't be waiting for Carolyn to finally get here because on today she finally got There. Today her time-piece was adjusted by the Master Time Keeper and she won't ever be late again. Today, she is looking back over her shoulder and we are the ones who will always be slightly behind her schedule.
Carolyn, we'll be there ...eventually, so please save us a place at the Table.
Life is just a dash (-) between our beginning and our ending. The dash represents a simple allotment of time that represents all that comes between our beginning and our ending. Time to be used wisely. Carolyn seemed to know that life was meant to be lived not in a rush, rush, rush but enjoyed in a steady pace toward the goals she had set.
What will you do with your own 'dash'? Someday and maybe sooner than we think our own time-peices will be adjusted by the Master Time Keeper and we will arrive at our final destination. Will we have used our time with wisdom and prepared for our departure?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Wow! Time has flown away and taken a year with it. I can't believe that it's been so long since I posted. I do believe there is a message here.

Last October I posted a message "Redeeming the Past", logged out and never imagined that it would be almost a year before I signed in again. What happened? Where did the year go? Life just got incredibly busy and blogging fell by the wayside. Is that all that fell by the wayside? Sadly, I fear that blogging was not the only victim. What one area of our lives is more important than all others? Our relationship with God - that daily visit with Him. We wake up in the morning rushing to get out of the house - rushing right past Him sitting there waiting to visit with us. Do we even feel His disappointment? All day long we rush here and there, from one meeting to the other never having a moment to spare...just too busy. We rush from home to work, from work to this appointment, time for the gym, time to cook dinner, time to wash the laundry and plan tomorrows meal, but no time for Him. Sorry Lord, I'm just incredibly busy. Yet He is always there when we have a need, always watching us as we rush around without time for Him. He always has time for us, and longs for us to take time to visit with Him.

How did we get so busy? How did so many of life's little things become so much more important to us than our time with Him? If we could only see into the realm of eternity I believe we would see Him, the one who loves us with a perfect love, as His tears of dissappointment flow. I also believe that we would see the 'Time Thief' with a broad smile upon his face as he enjoys the scene of all our rushing busy-ness.