Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Only One Life

It's been a while since I posted and in that time a lot has happened.
My nephew, Rob, passed away in his sleep while still sedated. He did not know God. His mom knows God and knows the truth but walked away from God in her youth.
Yesterday we received word that Sharon Chance, wife of Pastor Mike Chance, passed away in the early morning hours. Remember the family in prayer. They have endured a long battle with cancer and the slow dance of death, but what a wonderful thought that Sharon's dance with death is over and she is dancing with the Lord in a much better place.
God is Good - He is Faithful
His Peace is everlasting and His Arms are comforting.
He brings healing to body and soul whether in this life or dancing with Him, for when we arrive at His throne we arrive there without the pain and sorrow of life and death.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Is Good

A week ago my nephew, Rob Fairchild Jr, had a stroke caused by a hemorrhage somewhere deep in his brain (apparently the left hemisphere since his right side is impaired). He has been in a heavily sedated sleep for the past week on a respirator and a feeding tube. Daily they bring him up to a light sleep in order to test his reflexes and he fights the tubes, succeeding in pulling them out at one time. Anyway, on one day they actually woke him up and removed the respirator for an hour or so. He appeared to recognize his parents and his siblings, turning his head toward their voices, winking at his sister and trying to pinch his brother. However, they discovered that he is unable to breathe sufficiently on his own at this time and returned him to the respirator and took him down into deep sleep again. Then on Wednesday they did surgery putting in a trache tube and a feeding portal. This evening they will wake him up and begin trying to determine the degree of permanent damage to his brain and give the family a prognosis for recovery. Please remember Rob and his loved ones as you pray, that God will grant him healing and recovery, but more importantly that He will bring them to the realization of their need for salvation. He has been near to them all week and my sister told me that she is beginning to realize that God may be trying to give them all a wake-up call.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

What a waste of time.....

Hello, my name is Jacque and I am a worrier.
If I don't have a worry I can usually find one, how about you? You know how we say that some things are a 'guy thing'. Well, I think worry must be a 'girl thing' and more specifically a 'mom thing' because I don't really remember having any worries until I became a mom. Then, I was 'blessed' with a plethora of things to worry about and worry I did! And once a mom - always a mom; hence, I am a worrier still.
Mostly I worry about the children and the grandchildren. Are they safe, are they financially secure, is anyone sick....you know the routine. Well, in studying the scriptures I have been convicted of my weakness for worrying. Deuteronomy 31:8 tells me not to be dismayed (worried or fearful) for the Lord goes before me, He will not leave me nor forsake me. The prophet Isaiah in chapter 41 verse 10 of his writings tells me not to be worried for the Lord is my God and He will strengthen and help me. And then, to top all of that off II Timothy 1:12 tells me that I should know whom I have trusted is able to keep ALL that I COMMIT into His hands.
I know that I have committed my children and grandchildren into His Hands. When I persist in 'worrying' about these things I am in effect removing them from His Hands. I recall an instance when I was worrying over my son in prayer and suddenly I felt Him 'tap' me on the shoulder and tell me I was wasting my time and His with my worry. He wanted me to just put him back into His Hands and trust! Trust! Don't worry! Since that time I have been trying to just leave my worries in His Hands and trust. Am I always successful? No, I am human and my first reaction sometimes is all too human. I start to worry, but I feel a check in my spirit that says "you're wasting time again - trust".
Time is valuable and once past, can't be recalled. I really don't want my 'heavenly time card' to reflect all of my wasted time and energy. So, I have to actively remind myself daily to 'commit my cares to Him and trust'.

"Lord, I know you are dependable - bigger than all of my worries and cares - and able to keep all that I place into Your Hands. You are always near and will never leave me; therefore, I have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. But Lord, I am still human flesh so please remind me if I start to waste our time with worry."

Friday, August 8, 2008

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child..."

Where do you think this little guy has spent most of his time? He's about 18 months old and he's been listening and paying attention. Children are such a precious commodity! Talk about the 'futures market', these small impressionable packages are the future of our world and our way of life.

What are we teaching them? What will they bring to our future? What will they bring to the Kingdom of God?

From the Mouth of a Child - (Kanon Tipton)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Hills of the Lord

I've been neglecting my blog site - haven't posted in a while. I don't really know why other than life just seems to have been taking up all of my time. Funny how that works, isn't it? Well, I was looking through a few of my notebooks, re-reading some of my scribbling and found lyrics to a song (at least I think it is a song) that I started writing a while ago - before life got in my way. I thought sharing what I had written so far might actually help me to complete an unfinished verse. I am hoping that someone will be blessed by the thought... and maybe it was never meant to be completed.

Inspired by the writing of King David.

I Can Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills
Days may come when the sun doesn't shine
Gray clouds hang low and strong winds may blow.
But in every situation,
Every trial and tribulation
I can lift my eyes unto the hills.
I can lift my eys unto the hills of the Lord
His strength is there
To still all my fears.
He will keep me through the sunshine
And through every storm.
When my heart is discouraged
When I'm overcome by fear,
I can lift my eyes unto the hills.
Perhaps the Lord will inspire me to complete the thus far unwritten verse. Until then, I will wait on Him and keep my eyes on the Hills of the Lord. Lord willing I will be more faithful to sharing on my blog.
God has been good to us - recently bringing us through trying times. We have come to appreciate the faithfulness of God. Our church family is growing - a spirit of revival is in every service. God is leading us as we share His Word with a hungry world.